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    Corporate Services

    An investment in employee mental wellness is an investment in your company’s future.

    An emphasis on mental wellness is essential to developing a cohesive corporate culture that fosters cooperation and growth. By adding mental wellness opportunities to your employee benefits, you will increase productivity, retention, and morale in those you rely on to keep your company thriving.

    There are many ways to invest in a company mental wellness initiative, from simply providing educational resources to employees, to offering consultation to executive and human resource professionals on how to create a trauma-informed work environment. We develop custom employee mental wellness solutions based on your unique organizational needs. Whether you are looking for video content, workshops, training, or consultation, we can design a program that works for both you and your employees.

    Rebecca has an extensive background in program assessment and quantitative psychology. Her passion for assessing, analyzing, and implementing programs across organizations to improve corporate culture evolved from several years of relevant research and work experience in Auburn University’s Department of Academic Assessment. The integration of this experience with her work as a licensed mental health therapist, allows her to offer effective and sustainable services that increase satisfaction in the workplace.

    Connect with us to learn more about our tailored corporate services and pricing.

    Four Settings Available for Services